@ S. Subramaniam
सुधा सागर मध्यस्था (61)
Sudha Sagara Madhyastha (61)
Devi's palace is located in the middle of the ocean of nectar. In this Namah, Sudha means nectar, Sagara means ocean and Madhyastha means centre.
Readers should understand one important thing here. The word to word meaning of the Namahs in LSN convey a certain message which is only superficial in nature. Each Namah has a definite inner meaning also associated with it. To grasp the inner meaning, one should have a deep knowledge, profound interest and a higher level of spiritual inclination.
Sudha here refers to nectar or amrit. and it is associated with Kundalini chakras. The Nectar is secreted by one of the minor kundalini chakras called Soma chakra.
Soma chakra is located between the 6th (Angya chakra - middle of eyebrows) and the 7th (Sahasrara - top of skull). It enjoys the eternal bliss of the union of Shiva and Shakti. Meditating on this chakra brings immortality to the physical body and the process of aging is totally stopped. There is youth, vitality, stamina, and victory over disease, decay and death in it. At the same time, it should be remembered that it is extremely difficult even for the learned scholars and sage to meditate on Soma Chakra and for the common people it is just out of bounds.
Adi Shankara also makes a mention that Devi resides in a palace which is surrounded by the Ocean of Nectar. Shankara uses the word Sindhu to describe the Ocean instead of Sagar.
सुधासिन्धोर्मध्ये सुरविट पिवाटी परिवृते
Sudha Sindhor Madhye Suraviṭa Pivaṭi Parivṛute
Author's Remarks
We have seen how the word Sudha means Amrit or Nectar. In a book on Yoga called Amrita Siddhi, it is mentioned that when the Moon passes above the peaks of Mt.Meru, it starts showering dew drops on the peaks of Mt. Meru which is known as Amrita Varshini or the Rain of Nectar (Sudha).
Similarly in Saiva Siddhantham, one of the favorite topics of this author, in a conversation between Indra and Manmatha, the God of Love refers to Moon as Sudha-nidhi or the storehouse of Nectar.
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