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S Subramaniam



         @ S. Subramaniam

चिन्तामणि गॄहान्तस्था (57)

Chintamani-Gruhantastha (57) 


Devi lives in a palace which is made of Chintamani (சிந்தாமணி) stones. The Speciality of Chintamani stone is that it will fulfill all desires. In English it is called Philosopher's stone or Saffordite. 


It is very important to understand why Chintamani gem stones have been used to construct the palace of Devi. Just like stone, Devi too fulfills all the desires of her devotees - which are only to be renounced later to obtain Liberation (Mukti). 

There are four stages on the path of Liberation (1) First the devotees seeks boons and Devi grants them and fulfills all desires of her devotees (2) the devotee then starts meditating upon Devi (3) the devotee realizes that there is no joy greater than the lotus feet of Devi and gives up (renounces) all his desires (4) Devi grants him Liberation or Mukti. 

Adi Shankara  lays a lot of emphasis on controlling the senses (Indriyams) before entering Dev's palace. Points out the Jagatguru, the gates of Devi's are guarded by the Eight Siddhis and entry into the palace is strictly prohibited for those who are not able to control their Indriyams. Deva, who are used to excess pleasure are the ones who often fail to control their Indriyams. 

Disclaimer: _  All matters contained in this article are the property of The opinions expressed in this article are purely that of the author. The author alone is responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, completeness and validity of all the information in the article.

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