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S Subramaniam



@ S. Subramaniam

[  47  Nirmama Mamatahantri Nishpapa Papanashini ]

ममता-हन्त्री (165)

Mamata-hantri (165) 


Devi destroys the selfishness from the minds of Her devotees as  self interest causes ego, one of the impediments to realization of Brahman. 


First and foremost, readers should understand the difference between 

the terms Mamta and Mamata. While Mamta refers to motherliness, Mamata stands for selfishness. 

Devi is herself the manifestation of Mamta, the motherhood but when it comes to Mamata, she is the destroyer of the evil quality.

Mamata refers to (ममता) = मम  + तल Mama bhava tala which stands for selfishness, arrogance, pride etc. Therefore the namah Mamattva + Hantri [Grammar-wise the term

should have been Mamattva-hantri] needs to be understood as Destroyer of feelings of Selfishness, ego or possessiveness. 

Mamata - Possessiveness in a Positive sense:

Sri Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu is a medieval era Sanskrit book, written by Swami Rupa Goswami. Swamji gives an interesting, beautiful line of thinking about the term Mamata. 

Swamiji says : Prema (bhakti) is defined as that bhava which has possessiveness related to Lord Vishnu and to no one else. To explain his point of view, Swamji mentions the names of some prominent characters such as Bhishma, Prahlada, Uddhava and Narada. 

अनन्य-ममता विष्णौ ममता प्रेम-सङ्गता ।

भक्तिर् इत्य् उच्यते भीष्म-प्रह्लादोद्धव-नारदैः

Ananya Mamata Viṣhṇau Mamata Prema Sangata | Bhaktir iti uchyate Bhiṣma Prahalada Uddhava Naradaiḥ

Mamata and the three Gunas

The three gunas Sattva, Tamas and Rajas have different forms. 

Aham - I in all beings is Sattva, the  form of the fully luminous light. This relates to all that leads to harmony and love, resulting in Universal Love. 

That which operates against the Universal love and harmony is termed as Tamas meaning darkness and it is represented  by  Idam - This. 

The mixed effect is termed Rajas represented by Mamata - Mine. 

Author's  Notes

Mamata, selfishness or possessiveness is not a desirable quality. It basically arises out of ignorance - ignorance about the supreme powers of Devi, her vastness and her complete control over all manifestations of this universe. 

Mamata, the negative factor, needs to be done away with. One will not be able to seek Wisdom without getting released from the clutches of Mamata. Hence the need to pray before the Devi, seek her blessings and request her to remove the dirt from our minds - for she alone can do it - for she is the one and only Mamata-hantri. 

Disclaimer: All matters contained in this article are the property of The opinions expressed in this article are purely that of the author. The author alone is responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, completeness and validity of all the information in the article.

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