@ S. Subramaniam
सहस्राराम्बुजारूढा (105)
Sahasrarambujarudha (105)
Devi ascends the seventh and last Chakra known as Sahasrara located at the center of the skull region. Sahasrara is also referred to as the crown chakra.
Sahasrara is the name of the seventh Chakra and Arudha means to ascend. Devi has now reached Her destination, the Sahasrara, where Lord Shiva is waiting for Her.
Sahasrara Chakra is described as a lotus flower with 1,000 petals of different colors. These petals are arranged in 20 layers, each with approximately 50 petals. The pericarp is golden in colour and within it lies the circular moon region. Inside it is inscribed a luminous triangle, which may be either upward or downward-pointing.
The union of Shiva and Shakti takes place at Sahasrara. The sadhaka, who all along was worshiping only the Shakti, now begins to worship Her along with Her creator, Lord Shiva.
Quote from Soundarya Lahari
सहस्रारे पद्मे स हरहसि पत्या विहरसे
Sahasraare Padme Saha Rahasi Pathyaa Viharase.
Adi Shankara prays to Devi by saying : O Mother - My prayers to you - you have reached the thousand petalled lotus in the head called Sahasraara Chakra and will remain there secluded with your husband Lord SadaShiva.
Author's Notes:
This summary is about the entire journey of the Shakti or Energy form of Devi Lalitha Parameswari from her base (abode) the Mooladhara Chakra to Sahasrara Chakra and her return to Mooladhara.
The Shakti which originates from the Mooladhara Chakra for a sadhaka ascends and enters the Manipooraka Chakra. Here the sadhaka offers various upacharas such as Arghyam, Padyam and Bhooshanam etc. and brings the Shakti to Anahata Chakra.
At Anahata Chakra rituals such as Dhoopa, Deepa and Tamboola are offered to the Shakti. The Shakti now ascends to the Visudhdhi Chakra where the sadhaka makes a humble request to the Shakti to occupy the Simhasana to do pooja with the spatika mani called Chandra kala.
At the Ajna Chakra stage neerajanam is offered to the Shakti and finally Devi reaches the Chandra Mandalam region located right in the middle of the Sahasrara Chakra. The sadhaka now requests both Devi and her consort Sada Shiva to be seated and offers puja. Then a screen is put and Shiva and Shakti remain there, behind the screen, in union in a secluded state.
The sadhaka then remains alert waiting for the goddess to return to her base, the mooladhara Chakra.
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