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S Subramaniam



@ S. Subramaniam

मणिपूरान्थरुदिता (101)

Manipura Antha Udita (101) 


Devi manifests herself in the 3rd of seven Chakras called Manipura.  It lies below the Anahata and above the Swadhisthana chakras. 


The namah should be rightly split as Manipura Antha Udita. Udita can be understood to mean raising of sun as opposed to An-Udita which means setting of sun (Asthamana).  In the current context,  it can be interpreted as manifestation. 

[It is very important to pronounce the namah accurately while chanting LSN. Udita is the correct way and NOT Rudita. The word Rudita has a totally different meaning - it refers to crying or weeping.]

Manipura is the third Chakra and is located in the navel (Nabhi) region. It is represented by a ten petalled lotus. It has a yellow disc inside which an inverted triangle is inscribed. Only the plain Chakra is posted above, deliberately avoiding posting of the one with the mantras. 

During the samaya puja, Devi is adorned with gems. Mani stands for precious gems and Pura means fullness.That's how the Chakra gets the name Manipura.  Devi (in kundalini form) appears in Manipura after breaking the knots Brahma granthi situated just below Manipura.

Soundarya Lahari and Manipura

Sloka # 40

तव श्यामं मेघं कमपि मणिपूरैक शरणं

निषेवे वर्षन्तं हर मिहिर तप्तं त्रिभुवनम्

Thava Shyamam Megham Kamapi Manipooraika Sharanam

Nisheyvey Varshantham Hara Mihira Taptham Thribhuvanam. 

Adi Shankara says: I worship (make complete surrender at the) feet of Devi, who in the form of Shakti - the lightning amidst  dark-blue clouds, dispels darkness in Manipura.  The dazzling gems worn by Devi showers rain on the Universe which has been burnt by Hara (Lord Shiva). 

Author's Notes:

While entering the Manipura Chakra, Devi creates a thunderstorm and the lightning  to dispel darkness. 

Here I wish to quote the famous saying Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya which literally means Lead me from darkness to light. Here darkness refers to ignorance and the light referred to stands for knowledge. It should be construed as: Devi alone is capable of removing darkness  which is ignorance from the minds of devotees and replacing it with bright light which is knowledge. Devotees should pray to Devi seeking her blessing to remove the ignorance present in their minds. 

It's worth mentioning here that in the Devi Mahatmyam too there is reference depicting Light as the form of Knowledge. 

Quote: Vidyashu Sastreshu Viveka Dipeshu Vadyeshu Vakyeshu cha ka Tvadanya (Devi Mahatmyam Chapter 11 Verse 31).

Disclaimer: All matters contained in this article are the property of The opinions expressed in this article are purely that of the author. The author alone is responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, completeness and validity of all the information in the article.

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