दुष्टदूरा दुराचार-शमनी दोषवर्जिता ।
सर्वज्ञा सान्द्रकरुणा समानाधिक-वर्जिता ५१
Dushta-doora Durachara Shamani Doshavarjita
Sarvagyna Sandra Karuna Samanadhika Varjita – 51
सान्द्रकरुणा (197)
Sandra Karuna (197)
Devi is compassionate. Being Divine in nature Devi has the heart of the Universal Mother.For Her compassion is endless, immeasurable and inexhaustible.
The Namah contains two words Sandra and Karuna. By Sandra it is meant, thickness, intense, bountiful etc.
Karuna literally means “compassion”. It derives it's origin from the word kara which means hand or to do something indicating an action-based form of compassion. Karuna is doing something to alleviate sufferings. Devi ensures that for all her devotees.
Quote from Bhagvad Gita:
Karuna (being compassionate) is an important quality in man kind and Lord Krishna declares in Chapter 12 of the holy book
Devotees who are non-envious, compassionate and friendly toward all living beings, are dear to me.
अद्वेष्टा सर्व-भूतानां मैत्रः करुण एव च निर्ममो
……..यो मद्-भक्तः स मे प्रियः ॥
Adveshta sarva-bhutanam maitrah karuaa eva cha nirmamo….
Yo mad-bhaktah sa me priyah ||
Quote from the Shiva Puranam
Karpura gauram Karuna vataram is an ancient Sanskrit sloka related to Lord Shiva. This sloka is found in Yajurveda. It is said that Lord Vishnu praised Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi through this Sloka at the time of their wedding.
करपूर गौरम करूणावतारम
संसार सारम भुजगेन्द्र हारम |
सदा वसंतम हृदयारविंदे
भवम भवानी सहितं नमामि ||
As Pure white as the Camphor, O Lord! You are an Incarnation of Compassion, the Essence of worldly existence, the Garland you adore is the King of Serpents, you always dwell inside the lotus of my Heart. I Bow to you Lord Shiva and Parvati (Shakti) together.
Author's Notes:
Of the nine Rasas (Navarasam) or characters, the one relating to compassion - Karuna is placed at the highest order of importance. The first step in spiritual life is to have compassion. A person who is kind and affectionate, never needs to go searching for Devi's grace. Devi rushes towards any heart that beats with compassion. For it is the favorite and permanent abode of Devi.
The Author also wishes to quote from his own composition, the Sai Ashtakam, a sloka on Shirdi Sai Baba, in which the author makes a mention about compassion / friendliness. The author has applied the word Sneham instead of Karuna in his composition.
त्वमेव क्रोधम् च शान्तम् त्वमेवा
त्वमेव द्वेशम् च स्नेहम् त्वमेव
त्वमेव त्रीगुणम् च निरगुणम् त्वमेवा
प्रभो साई नाथा मम देव देवा / 5 /
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